
So I thought it would be good/fun to have a few Rules/Guidelines--

1. A first date must happen at least every other week. (26 dates for the year)
2. Taking someone home after a drunken night does NOT count, otherwise this challenge would just be slutty, and that's TOTALLY not me! :)
3. Second and third dates are allowed, BUT I must continue first dates.
4. I can't make the first move after the first date, no texting or calling till he does FIRST.
5. I can't bring up the topic of a second date, he MUST ask. 
6. EVERY  date must be blogged, good or bad!
7.  The guy must pick the place, and I CAN"T change it..

The most Frequently Asked Question--
The question I'm most asked about this blog is 'what happens if I meet someone I really like?' Well the simple answer is, that would be the end of the project! I love the idea of writing this blog for the whole year of good and bad dates, but if the right person came along, that's a sacrifice I'm VERY happy to make. I don't have to complete the challenge, ideally I'd love to meet someone before the year is through, but as I'm discovering, that's easier said than done...

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