So this date was interesting in a way of the story that leads up to it. So this guy we had acutally been talking to for what seemed like a while and I really had no idea if he was ever going to ask me out!
But there are always certain guys I am always more excited to go out with, where some I like but not totally sure about, maybe like last guy. #15. So after I had gone out with #15, #16 asked if I wanted to grab drinks or coffee this weekend. Well I had already made plans to go on a another date with #15, but to be honest I still wasn't really sure what I thought about him. So I made plans with him for Sunday night. Well THEN I had like a really GREAT time with #15 Saturday and didn't know how this was all going to work. But I kept my date with #16 and we had drinks. And it was fun. He was VERY my type. Tall. Preppy. And he was wearing TOMS. My type. lol
And so then I was VERY confused as what to do. Luckily my week was SUPER busy so there wasn't going to be a chance to go out with #16 again and then I was going away for the weekend. Which he knew about. So I thought things maybe will just work themselves out. And I saw #15 again for a quick movie night Monday night and still really liked him.
Well me and #16 talked here and there for a week and then I got a super nice text from him saying he had been causally dating someone and they just decided to make it exclusive. He was very nice about it and I wasn't bummed out, so I think it was good and all worked out.
And I am still going on dates with #15 and I have to say I really like him, I am always nervous about how much to share in the start of dating, because I am nervous it won't last and then its that blah time where you have to say nope no more. But things are going slow and good and we will see. I am still up in the air on if I am going to keep going on dates. While I like #15 I feel like its okay to go on first dates with other guys because we aren't in any way serious....
So that's whats happening right now!