Thursday, September 13, 2012

The hard moments.

I wrote this little bit on a draft that I was not going to share, but as one of those moments I just wanted to remember last week...

"It was "date" #4 with Jonny last night. We just hung out at his place and I stayed the night. But there was a moment last night when we were in bed and I think I can now say I really like that guy. He had been rubbing my back and he knew my week had been kinda stressful, and after rubbing my back he could tell I was really tense and kept asking what was wrong and I said nothing, and he knew that wasn't true. And then he held me and kinda pushed the issue, in a good way, of me telling him, but I was feeling a bit emotional and felt like if I talked I would cry and no one wants that. And he even said its okay to cry, just that feeling that I felt like he knew me. And he said "you are laying in my bed with me, if you can't talk then what is the point og this" And he was right. And I talked about a bit and teared up a bit, and he was the comfort and the laughter I needed. It was a good moment."

There was a moment I was happy and excited to see where things would end up. I WAS HAPPY!
And then these quickly changed. I don't like talking about this part of dating. Because I feel like I failed. I don't even know what changed. He just stopped talking to me. No explanation. Just no response. And to say that's frustrating is a understatement.  So this part of dating is what I hate and I think whats the point in this. So its been a rough week, to say the least. Just another part of the story I thought I would share.


  1. Ugh! :( Well, I know this isn't going to help much, but you are definitely not the one that failed in that situation! Boys never know what they want! I've been with the same one for 18 months and he STILL has no idea what he wants!
